DB, DBZ, DBGT H - Z Character Info
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Race: Namek
Abilities: Barrier, Bukuitsu, Create Dragonballs, Mafuba, Merging, Mystic Attack, Telepathy, Travel between the living universe and afterlife
Kami is spiritually linked to Piccolo and is Guardian of the Earth.
Race: Changeling
Abilities: Barrier, Bukuiutsu, Daichiretsuzan, Death Ball, Eye Lasers, Transforming, Zanzoken
Koola has 5 forms and is brother to Frieza.
Race: Human
Height: 4'6
Weight: 90 lbs
Abilities: Bukuiutsu, Double Tsuihikidan, Fusenko, Kakusan, Kame Hame Ha, Kienzan, Shishin No Ken, Taiyoken, Zanzoken
Krillin is the most powerful human on Earth.
Master Roshi:
Race: Human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 97 lbs
Abilities: Kame Hame Ha, Mafuba
Master Roshi trained Goku and Krillin; he is a perverted old man.
Mr. Popo:
Race: Genie
Abilities: Wish Granting
Mr. Popo is Kami's assistant
Race:Three - Fourth Human, One -  Fourth Saiyajin
Abilities: Bukuiutsu, Kame Hame Ha, Zanzoken
Pan is Gohan's daughter and the most powerful female in the entire series.
Race: Saiyajin
Abilities: Bukuiutsu
Paragus is the father of Brolli.
Race: Namek
Height: 6'6
Weight: 200 lbs
Abilities: Bukuiutsu, Chonoryokou, Chou Bakurestu Malta, Energy Dan, Eye Lasers, Kakusanyudokoden Kukou Ha, Renzokou Senkoudan, Merging, Shogekiha, Tsuhidan, Zanzoken
Piccolo is spiritually linked with Kami and is admired by Gohan
Race: Saiyajin
Abilities: Bukuiutsu, Zanzoken
Radditz is Goku's evil brother and the weakest of the surviving saiyajins.